Friday, March 25, 2022

Don’t Go Fishin’ Where You Don’t Know The Waters

1 and 3 I completely agree with. But 2? No: not even close.

RBG’s opinions were “intellectually rigorous.” Scalia’s opinions were what non-lawyers thought were “intellectually rigorous.” No one who knows anything about the law has ever accused Thomas of knowing enough to be qualified to sit on the highest court in the land. For years he was just Scalia’s lap dog. He hasn’t improved since Scalia passed. His opinions are distinguishable from his wife’s Q-Anon fantasies only in that he’s never made reference to “QFS-BLOCKCHAIN.”
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t know what his wife is texting about.

And while we’re on the subject:
There is a “flag code” in the U.S.Code (federal statutes). But if you hang a raggedy U.S. flag at your house; or leave it out overnight, or drop it in the dirt, no one is going to arrest you.  For the simple reason that the “flag code” has no enforcement provisions.

Any statute can become a criminal statute if you add enforcement provisions (well, there are limits, but for illustrative purposes). Without them, even a law defining murder is toothless.

Would provisions added to 28 U.S.C.sec. 455 giving Congress or an executive agency (I wouldn’t trust a panel of lower court judges) powers of enforcement be found by the Supreme Court to be a violation of separation of powers?

Yeah, probably.

Then what?

1 comment:

  1. Thomas should be subpoenaed to testify under oath as to what he said. The spousal exemption on testifying about their spouse shouldn't apply to a congressional hearing of the sort the January 6th Committee is conducting, not when the person is a sitting member of the Supreme Court in all its untouchability. If James Wilson could be put into debtors prison while being a sitting Supreme Court "justice" then certainly something touching on the actual ability of the United States to remain a democracy instead of a dictatorship makes it entirely necessary that he have to testify as to what he knew about his wife's seditious behavior. Especially when she discussed it with her "best friend." She should have to produce the identity of that "best friend" if it was not him.

    He should be removed from the Court but we know the Republican-fascists would no more convict him in an impeachment trial than they did Trump. There has to be some other way to remove a "justice" from that court. We are at crisis over the inadequacy of the Constitution to address the crimes being committed by those in the government and those outside of it with billionaire money backing them, largely due to previous rulings by the Supreme Court.
