Monday, March 28, 2022

The Argument For Treating Twitter As An Insane Asylum

Rather than as some kind of vox mundi. Despite the glimmers of rationality.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't even heard about it, no one I know pays attention to the Oscars anymore. I wasn't sure I knew who the two guys were, I know I've never seen a movie with either of them in it. Actors come in two varieties, the adults who are the few and the children who are the many. When I read Scotty Bowers, the pimp to the stars, I realized a lot of those who were presented as adults were only acting as if they were when they weren't. I have a feeling you find more adults among actors who do it on stage because it's a more demanding job.
    Twitter confirms the scary lesson I learned from online comment threads, most people with credentials saying they are, are not educated.
