Monday, March 14, 2022

Why I Am Glad I Retired From Teaching

I had a student turn in a paper I found had been plagiarized (when you can find it on Google with a simple search, they aren’t even trying.) I made a copy before returning it to the student because this was before I took all papers online. Turned out to be a good thing because the student replaced some of the pages and took it to my superior . Who wanted to give them a changed grade, until I produced the original.

My final semester a student who missed three assignments asked for a re-do because she’d gone to a family funeral and missed one assignment. This was after the semester was over. I told her it was the first I’d heard of it, and what about the other two? She went to a nice person in counseling and I had to tell her the story. Twice, because technology is sometimes unreliable.

The energy students will put into appeals that they never show in class.

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