Tuesday, March 29, 2022

No True Scotsman

"Adjacent" is opening a very strange door there. Almost an escape hatch.  This is why:
To be fair, many people seem to find it hard to realize those who rise to prominence are not always corrupted by being there, but weren't really moral avatars when they started:
Ted Cruz started his political career advancing “Agenda 21,” the pre-Q-Anon conspiracy theory that Obama and the UN 🇺🇳 wanted to take all our golfs. He may have thought that was insane-but-what-the-hell, but you can’t keep doing that stuff without people deciding you mean it, and actions do speak louder than words.  Well, that and: live by the lie, die by the lie. I’ve no reason to doubt Rick Wilson was there. That pudgy orange Palpatine didn’t have to whisper very long; or be very persuasive. Ted Cruz sold his soul for a mess of pottage a long, long time ago.  Then again, so did the entire GOP (Cruz was first elected to the Senate in 2012, only 10 years ago.  Where does the time go?).  People like Nunziata still can't accept that, though they were quite willing to accept AOC and Bernie as the only people who were the "true" Democratic party.

So it goes.

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