Sunday, March 20, 2022

Some People Say We Have A Constitution

Opinions differ. AP reports on both sides of the issue. Sarah Burris also reports there were a half-dozen semis cruising the neighborhoods of D.C. making noise, along with about 12 passenger cars. All apparently assuming the people of D.C. have direct access to, and power over, the members of Congress on Capitol Hill. This is the way democracy ends. Oh, wait, are we not doing that anymore?  Not since democracy has proven to be quite sturdy, and even produce admirable leaders, in Ukraine?  Or since democracies across Europe and around much of the world are standing up against Putin's plutocracy?

Change the facts, change the outcome, huh?

But speaking of dangers to democracy, how come this isn't getting any national attention?
Clear violations of state and (at least) Constitutional law. But we all know more about the morons in D.C. Why? South Texas/Mexican border/brown people, maybe? The fact is, when the rule of law is ignored for political expediency: (Note to non-Texans: Webb County is on the border), the rule of law is thrown in the trash can. Not that this hasn't happened a time or two in U.S. history (you think Bull Connor really had clear legal authority to use dogs and water cannon? The salient question was: who was gonna stop him?), odd how where it happens matters more than what actually happens. People are being inconvenienced in D.C.! People are being jailed illegally and in violation of a half-dozen Constitutional amendments, in south Texas. Yeah, well, too far away to worry about. Nobody lives there, right?

Now, ask yourself how "America First!" is fundamentally different, or built on a completely different foundation, than a "Eurasian Empire" lead by Russia:
'Cause I don't see it. And since we've shifted to Putin and Trump (both anti-constitutionalists, so I can connect nothing with nothing): No wonder Trump won't bad mouth Vlad: they're brothers from different mothers. Sounds like something Trump would have said. Naom Chomsky wants to talk to them about how it's really Biden's fault. Oh, and Britain's. They run the world, ya know.

Or we could listen to the people who sat out World War II Swiss:
There are people driving around Washington, D.C. right now, thinking everyone they encounter is antifa because they don't welcome truck horns with cheers of "Huzzah!" One also sees the Urkainians' point: The acceptance of Putin is Russian to the bone. He is the Tsar. Period. Doing about as well as Nicholas II, too. Or Trump, come to think of it.

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