Saturday, March 25, 2023

So That’s How It Went

The Texas Tribune got the closest to a reference to Koresh at the rally. And they had to find a Branch Dravidian (who knew there were any left?) to make it. So, sorry, I don’t think that happened. True. But who’s going to talk about that tomorrow morning? Yeah, that happened. Meanwhile, back at the speech: Didn’t he say this in his inaugural speech? Which does call into question the newsworthiness of these speeches. Especially since the train wreck aspects are very seldom covered in full. Except on Twitter, where they are discussed ad nauseum. We’re sure to hear more about that tomorrow. Even though it seems the only reason it comes up is because someone brought it up earlier. Arguably the most dangerous part of that cult is in jail, and the rest is shrinking further and further into numerical insignificance.

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