Thursday, April 25, 2024

“A Very, Very Nice…He’s A Nice Guy”

One of the most damaging aspects of the current case is that day in and day out for the next six to eight weeks the public will be given examples of how Trump lies, surrounds himself with liars, and has in fact made a profession of lying," Rothkopf wrote. 
"That almost does not do his business association with lying justice. He is alongside friends and associates like Rupert Murdoch, the late Roger Ailes, Vladimir Putin, the FSB, the Internet Research Agency, the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, and Christopher Ruddy, one of the pioneers of the Misinformation Industrial Complex." 
There's no aspect of Trump's life that's not built on lies — his political and business careers, his marriages, his height and his weight, even his golf abilities — and Rothkopf said this trial shows why he has fought so hard to avoid appearing in court where the truth might finally be exposed and he could be held to account for his inherent fraudulence. 
“Trump is not a man who lies. Trump is a lie," Rothkopf wrote. "Trump is a fabrication of the mind of Trump. Trump is a fictional character who has fictional achievements and fictional wealth. He is no more real than the tales of visitors from outer space that are so popular with his partners in prevarication at the National Enquirer. 
"In some respects, it is no surprise he has become the world’s most notorious liar. He has had quite a lot of success lying and then lying about his lies."
"I was talking to a friend after David Pecker's testimony, as somebody who knows David Pecker and Donald Trump," Scarborough said. "I said, it's interesting — David Pecker just blew this case wide open against Donald Trump, yet nothing on Truth Social. 
My friend started laughing and said, 'You will never hear Donald Trump say anything bad about David Pecker.' [He] then suggested that, you know, he knows a lot more about Donald Trump than Donald Trump would want people to know. Listen to this, again, after this guy just blew open the case against him." 
Trump told reporters that, "David has been very nice, very nice – he's a nice guy." Meanwhile, he could be held in contempt for violating a gag order by attacking Cohen and Stormy Daniels, both of whom could testify in the trial. 
"Whoever your friend is, I think is correct," Sharpton said. "When Donald Trump says David has been nice, when David got on the stand and just about nailed his legal coffin in terms of this trial, it is because he knows he's been nice not to tell all the other things he may know about Donald Trump. 
“If you have a guy that knows 100 things and he only testifies to 10, you say he is a very nice guy because you don't want the other 90 to drop out."
Can’t let ALL the lies out.

1 comment:

  1. David Pecker is the perfect image and name of a tabloid sleazeball, one who mounted multiple lie campaigns in favor of Trump, the ultimate trash media fake and sleaze. Of course, if he figured it would benefit him, Trump would immediately throw Pecker under a bus but if he did Pecker wouldn't have any right to complain about it. That's what this means for anyone with any sense of honesty, I doubt Trump's supporters believe it for a second, though they lie that they do.
