Sunday, April 21, 2024

Trump Is A Manifestation, Not An Aberration

(Schools don’t get paid when student loans are forgiven, or even paid off. They got their money from the loan.)
Strong “LOCK ‘EM UP!” energy there.

The power the White House has here is the bully pulpit. And this is the correct way to use that power (not straight from Biden’s mouth, IOW). But where are the FOJ and FBI? Investigating and prosecuting federal crimes, which these are not. The responsibility here lies with Columbia and NYC and possibly the state of New York.

Biden is right to stand with the Jewish students. Much of the energy I’m seeing is misdirected and mistaken. Dr. King wasn’t a good speaker with a “dream.” He was part of an organization aimed at securing civil rights for all, by getting them for blacks; and the poor (the purpose of the Washington March which everyone forgets). This is all people running around screaming “MY FEE-FEES ARE HURT!” And being anti-Semitic about it. Or being upset that other people are being anti-Semitic. If it upsets you that much, what are YOU going to do about it?

Biden did the right thing. It should be an example to the rest of us.

That’s what TR’s bully pulpit is for. 🐂 

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