Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Reports are he doesn’t have the money, and he needs $76 million to carry on with his cases.  Trump is famous for stiffing everyone, including his lawyers, but too many of those lawyers are working multiple cases, and if he stiffs just one, the rest might decide it’s not worth it.
While Trump has complained about Blanche being unwilling to lob attacks at jurors and Judge Merchan, he has also questioned friends about why Blanche is charging him so much money, which the Times notes is relevant because Trump "sometimes refuses to pay" the lawyers who represent him in court.
The cascade effect of that could be disastrous. But then again,
"Mr. Trump views himself as own best legal strategist."
By the way, the idea that Trump could run for president from jail? Laughable.
He's in a horrible mood and it's hard for him to sort of do donor events afterwards or talk strategy after the sessions in court because he's just so livid," said Washington Post investigative reporter Carol Leonnig during an appearance on MSNBC's "The Eleventh Hour" with Stephanie Ruhle. 
Leonnig pointed to a story from her WaPo colleagues describing effects of being stuck in a stuffy court as being "disruptive to his campaign" and that his mood is intensely worsening, according top sources.  
“The former president is accustomed to near-daily rounds of golf, 'constant stimulation' and cheers when he enters and exits a room at Mar-a-Lago," according to the sources. "Instead, he is now reporting four days a week for mundane court arguments and long stretches without permission to check his phone."
Unless you think conditions in jail will make him happier than a few hours a day in a courtroom, 4 days a week. This is the point where I’m convinced Giuliani has incontrovertibly lost his mind and joined Trump in La-La Land. They can argue with each other there, over which one of them really is “the storm.” ⛈️  Trump and Giuliani are gonna need raincoats.

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