Wednesday, April 17, 2024

And They Think Court Is Boring!

I’m actually listening to this procedure on MSNBC. Hey, I’m old, I’m a lawyer, I have a very low boredom threshold. I read Kierkegaard for entertainment, for pity’s sake!

Schumer basically has Republicans in a box. They voted not to debate in private (Senate impeachment rules), so Schumer is going through each article raising a point of order on failure to state a crime (i.e., doesn’t meet constitutional requirements). Republicans keep making motions to adjourn or do other things (like go into closed session after all), and on and on it will go. Hell, even I might get bored!πŸ₯± 

I am old enough to remember when McConnell was a Senate rules genius, and wondering whatever happened to that (*cough cough bullshit bullshit!*). McConnell tried to get a motion passed;,it failed. I don’t think McConnell was ever a procedural genius; I think Dems were just in disarray. Schumer is running the Senate the way LBJ used to. Gonna have to change some narratives some pundits are far too young to remember.


(MSNBC got bored first. I think it was Kennedy offering the second motion to adjourn, this time on the second article, and for a return date one day later than the earlier (failed) motion. Until May 1, if you’re wondering. Why do anything else for two weeks, right?)

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