Thursday, June 06, 2024

Gott Mit Uns

Trump was born on June 14, 1946.  Add it to the list. Impeccable timing. Should we start with Trump’s lies? This is going to come up in his sentencing hearing. In a month. I’m certain his lawyers have explained this to him. In plain sight. Not even hiding. Choose your fighter. On the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Isn’t he supposed to be getting worse?
Subtle. Trump is a campaign juggernaut. Elect the xenophobe! "And we have to do this." Even if he can’t say it. In the new video game "Trump City." (Not only that, but what does he think he just said?) I’d say that was the MSM’s job, but they just ignore these interviews altogether. And then we need the MSM to report it without cleaning up Trump’s performance.

We live in hope.

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