Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Carry On With Your Sunday Afternoon"

 Will J.D. Vance say this is just a fact of life or is that only when school children, teachers and school staff are the ones who do get killed?

Good question: 

Of course, nobody actually shot at Trump: The first question is: "How'd a guy with an AK47 walk around so freely?" The answer: "FLORIDA!" In other words, somebody saw this guy wandering around with an AK47 and two backpacks, and thought:  "Carry on with your Sunday afternoon." I mean, it's not like it was a black kid cutting through a neighborhood in a hoodie.  Still, Ms. Vindman triggered MAGA. And some are concerned Trump will do again what he did before: Except he wasn't shot, and wasn't really ever in danger (it's Florida. People are allowed to walk around with dangerous firearms. It's only after they fire them that we grow concerned. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♂️)  The "shooter" wasn't a shooter.  He never fired a shot. Let me say again what happened: Florida. Man allegedly with gun ran like a scared rabbit, leaving behind gun, 2 backpacks, and a camera. Was caught within the hour. And all the rhetoric around violence still comes from Trump and Vance, who are happiest when the violence doesn't touch them. Or, as in this case, the violence is directed toward others. Again. Had Florida not been Florida, it might have seemed a bit more odd this guy was approaching the golf course at all. Especially since somebody saw him running (sans gun, backpacks, or camera) and took note of his car (probably the witness heard the gunshots from the SS agent). One assumes somebody saw him heading to the golf course, but thought nothing of it. I mean, it's Florida. Early reports from the NYPost said the golf course is in a bad neighborhood. One assumes a "bad neighborhood" in Florida is rife with rifles and guns.

Trump actually was shot, once (I'll admit I'm still highly skeptical about that, given he shows no signs of wounding).  He tried to play the victim from that.  It lasted about a week. How much "victim" mileage is he likely to get out of this?  Playing the victim is not in Trump's nature, except to complain that everything is "rigged" against him.  He has no other card to play, and wouldn't know how to play it if you handed it to him.  As actually happened.

Already MAGA is more interested in criticizing Rachel Vindman as a defense of Trump.  That won't last the rest of the night.

Why, No, The Trump/Vance Campaign Is Not Inciting Violence In Springfield, OH With Lies...

Whatever would make you say that? Not directly related, but I'm guessing Trump hasn't seen this one yet? Back on the other topic: Frum doesn't say where his information comes from. CNN insists it was an assassination attempt, but could well have gotten that from the same SS agents who let Trump up to expose himself to more gunfire so he could strike a pose. Or they just got it from Trump. That SS agents tackled Trump is no doubt true. That there was gunfire could be the reason. Who was shoting at what, it still to be determined. JMM seems to be in agreement with Frum: Well, maybe they knew this:

Law enforcement sources told the New York Post that there was a shooting "near" Trump as he was leaving his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday afternoon.

"Two people exchanged gunfire outside of Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach," the report said. "The shooters were targeting each other, and the gunfire was not targeting Trump."

The report also confirmed that "Trump was never in danger and that the shooting happened in an area outside the club that is known for high crime."

Open carry laws, bay-bee.  (CNN needs to reconsider relying on Trump's people for sources.  Maybe they just saw Trump's fundraising tweet.) 

Don't Mess With The Swifties

Coincidence? I think not.... And, you know, cash in.... Or just clicks: Thank the lords and the low creatures! I was so worried nobody would be there in Trump's time of need. (Suddenly the long absences of Melania seem particularly pertinent.) And pretty sure this will be connected to the debate pretty soon:

Yeah, About That...

 "She's a lunatic," he said. "I don't think anyone should pay any attention to anything she says, and it is troubling that the Republican nominee... holds her in such high regard. And the reason is because she feeds his worst impulses. That's what he wants: He feeds off of that type of rhetoric and those types of conspiracy theories."

Former Republican strategist Ana Navarro found it remarkable that Trump is even letting Loomer fly on his campaign plane with him.

"His wife isn't on the plane, his daughter isn't on the plane, but this kook is on the plane," she said. "And I think it should be incredibly concerning that, potentially, the next president of the United States is surrounded by racist conspiracy theorists. Listen: When Marjorie Taylor Greene is all of a sudden the voice of reason... call it a wakeup moment."

I think we're way past that now.  Loomer isn't the problem; Trump is.  He always was. See?


Never think he can't go lower.

"The Cats And Dogs At Least Are Safe"

On Sunday, Kurtz noted that the claims of pets being eaten had been debunked.

"But now, and now we switch to geese, but there was one guy, a Haitian, who's not a Haitian, excuse me, who was helping two injured geese, and that was portrayed," the host told Claman. "So given that local officials, the city manager, the Ohio governor was a Republican, say there's nothing to this, is this a problem?"

"It's a huge problem, and here's why," Claman said. "It has unleashed something really upsetting on Springfield. There have been bomb threats where elementary schools and hospitals, two hospitals yesterday, had to be on lockdown."

"It really took, Howie, the local media, the Columbus Dispatch, which is, by the way, right-leaning," she continued. "They dispelled the whole geese issue, and by the way, the first line in their article on the web was, it is legal to shoot and hunt Canada geese."

"But this is a very serious situation and you know you've got a lot of people looking at it now."

Kurtz ended the segment by noting, "The cats and dogs at least are safe."

And when even MAGA knows you blew it:

On Truth Social, some supporters of the former president deplored the turn of events that could have an impact on the November election.

DaaMaga wrote, "Why are you doing this? I doesn’t help you. Just ignore her. Focus on Kamala’s agenda."

"Oh boy… this one isn’t going to help much. Why couldn’t we just ignore her and move on?" Speedy 13 asked.

S.R. Leightner asked, "I wonder if his account got hacked," to which another commenter added, "That's what I was wondering."

Leightner later added, "The less he talks about someone, the less the news reports about them. He's actually calling attention to her and giving her more press. Im disappointed President Trump even said this. It makes him look like he's 13 - and I Iove the man! Trump 2024!"

"Maybe Delete this one Boss," rjdarlin suggested.

Christian Conservative lamented, "I love this country and I want to help your son continue your fight! You guys need another perspective desperately."

"Don’t pick a fight with swifties. That’s a losing message. Just ignore and move on. I would take down that post asap," Rip1 suggested.

Sweet, sweet copium.


Genius Strategeriast

He's trying to distract from JD Vance on the Sunday shows this morning. With Trump, it's always strategy. He's perfectly stable, and perfectly reasonable to be so upset. Sort of like that crazy woman who took over Capt. Kirk's body, and then went stark raving nuts.  Nothing to see here; especially JD Vance on the Sunday programs. 

Proof Trump Knows Who His Constituency Is

I keep telling you Trump can't fight her because she refuses to play his game. Point and laugh at any bully and he withers away. You can't be afraid of someone you're laughing at. Laugh, and the world laughs with you.  Especially at the bully. Laughter IS the best medicine. (Old Reader's Digest column, but it rings true. What's that? Ask yer grandpa, punks! And git offa mah lawn!)

With The Magic Wand Vance Says She Has

If Harris is that powerful, why doesn't she just declare herself POTUS and end our long national electoral nightmare? This shit is getting tedious. 

We pause for a quick lesson in First Amendment law and the doctrines of state sovereignty: Please stop acting like MAGA. And Trump is not hurting himself with his Nazi lies? The wheels have come off the bus. The fish rots from the head. And their best defender is a woman who says Kamala Harris has made all American women miserable. SO MUCH WINNING!!!

My Shirt Answers A Lot Of Questions My Shirt Raises

"Also, other evidence that you have talked about, even you've retweeted alleged evidence, are unsourced social media videos from a different city, apparently no connection to Haitians," Bash said.

"So instead of saying things that are wrong and actually causing the hospitals, the schools, the government buildings to be evacuated because of bomb threats, because of the cats and dogs thing, why not actually be constructive in helping to better integrate them into the community?" the CNN host asked.

Vance said the question was "frankly disgusting" and "more appropriate for a democratic propagandist than it is for an American journalist." He insisted that nothing he said caused the bomb threats in Springfield.

"Senator, this happened after you and President Trump were on the debate stage, said that cats and dogs were being eaten," Bash pointed out. "After that, they were threatened."

"You just accused me of inciting violence against the community when all that I've done is surface the complaints of my constituents, people who are suffering because of Kamala Harris's policies," Vance opined. "Are we not allowed to talk about these problems because some psychopaths are threatening violence?"

Vance then tried to "fact check" Bash because she said Haitians were in Springfield legally.

"They're in the country through what's called temporary protective status," Bash observed.

"That is when Kamala Harris waved a magic amnesty wand, taking people and giving them legal status," Vance complained. "That is not to say that they're here legally."

"There are policy disagreements all the time, but the fact is that it is the law," Bash said. "You were the one who brought this up. The [former] president said it to 60 million people."

"Dana, would you like to ask me questions and then let me answer them, or would you like to debate me on these topics?" Vance shot back.

"I'm happy to be here to talk about policy, but if you're going to interrupt me every single time that I open my mouth, then why am I even doing this?" he added.

Why, indeed?

Even the supine press is finally aroused to righteous indignation. I guess it was the actual threats of violence. 

"Also, other evidence that you have talked about, even you've retweeted alleged evidence, are unsourced social media videos from a different city, apparently no connection to Haitians," Bash said.


"So instead of saying things that are wrong and actually causing the hospitals, the schools, the government buildings to be evacuated because of bomb threats, because of the cats and dogs thing, why not actually be constructive in helping to better integrate them into the community?" the CNN host asked.

Vance said the question was "frankly disgusting" and "more appropriate for a democratic propagandist than it is for an American journalist." He insisted that nothing he said caused the bomb threats in Springfield.

"Senator, this happened after you and President Trump were on the debate stage, said that cats and dogs were being eaten," Bash pointed out. "After that, they were threatened."


"You just accused me of inciting violence against the community when all that I've done is surface the complaints of my constituents, people who are suffering because of Kamala Harris's policies," Vance opined. "Are we not allowed to talk about these problems because some psychopaths are threatening violence?"

Vance then tried to "fact check" Bash because she said Haitians were in Springfield legally.

"They're in the country through what's called temporary protective status," Bash observed.

"That is when Kamala Harris waved a magic amnesty wand, taking people and giving them legal status," Vance complained. "That is not to say that they're here legally."

"There are policy disagreements all the time, but the fact is that it is the law," Bash said. "You were the one who brought this up. The [former] president said it to 60 million people."

ALSO READ: 'I want Vance to apologize': We went to Springfield and found community hurt — and divided

"Dana, would you like to ask me questions and then let me answer them, or would you like to debate me on these topics?" Vance shot back.

"I'm happy to be here to talk about policy, but if you're going to interrupt me every single time that I open my mouth, then why am I even doing this?" he added.


So Your Constituents are Neo-Nazis...

...glad we cleared that up.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Trolling For Voters

"You came with receipts about the number of groups, with the exception of one or two, that Donald Trump has insulted in his tenure of politics," host Velshi prompted his guest.

"Yeah, the only two I can think of are white supremacists, as well the evangelical groups," the former attorney replied. "Short of that, there's not a single group in America, whether it is veterans, firefighters, police officers, Blacks, Jews, Mexicans —I actually bought it, it is the first time being on any show I've actually brought notes with me, but women, Asian Americans, Latinos."

"I mean we can go on here: Muslims, disabled people, Native Americans, obviously the Haitian immigrants, African nations, handicapped journalists, Puerto Ricans — you name it," he elaborated. "The question I would sort of pose is: why are there any members of these communities that would possibly vote for him, or think that he is the right person for the job of the presidency of the United States of America again?"

Or anyone in California, for that matter:

Trump to California:  "I don't like your governor, so Fuck You!  And if I don't win California, it's because you cheated me!"

How does this campaigning for votes work again?

Twitter: The Deeper You Go, The Worse It Gets

Some of the responses to this post go to Rufo's "proof": Yeah, that's not a video. That is, but there's no smoke rising from the grill. All the movement comes from the shaky camera (cinema verite!). You do see, in a separate shot, two cats who seem to be in the same area as the grill, moving. So there's some motion. And I guess "last summer" means June-August, 2024. It's still pretty warm in Ohio, I think. It is in Texas, although I remember fall weather moving in to Chicago in September, the year I lived there. I don't know why you'd say "last summer," though, and not "just last month." No matter. This is hardly "proof." No one is shown cooking the cats, or removing the fur first, or eating them. This is pretty easy shit to fake, and pretty lame "proof."

And if you're going to barbecue a cat, wouldn't you dress it, as in that famous picture of RJK supposedly eating a dog?  These animals don't even look gutted, which is not the way you cook any meat that I know of.  Even roast pig is splayed on a spit.

And there's still the matter of the police reports; there aren't any.

Still, a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.  And racism and xenophobia are powerful jiu-jiu among some people.  Usually the ones you find at the bottom of a Twitter feed.

Sorry to intrude late, but I found that RFK picture I was thinking about:
The more I look at that video, the more it looks completely faked. Shocking, I know.