Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Pro Tip

Mike Johnson (most likely) won’t be Speaker in January, 2025.

And the ECRA requires 1/5 of the Reps or Senators to object to a states’ slate, and a majority of both houses to discard them. And even then, removal of a slate just lowers the threshold for victory, so it would take an enormous number of carefully selected objections, and the continuous concurrence of the majority of both houses, to shift the expected outcome.*

And I’m real sure a newly seated Congress doesn’t want to stir up that shitstorm.

*So, hypothetically, knock out Georgia’s 16 votes. Instead of 538, the total available is now 522, and 262 the new threshold for victory. You can keep eliminating states Harris won (wins), but when do you get to the point when Trump wins? And would a majority of Congress really want to be on the receiving end of that shitstorm? Trump, btw, won 232 electoral votes in 2020. If he wins that many this year, it means Harris matches Biden’s count of 306. Take Georgia out of the contest, Harris still wins. You’d have to have Senators and Representatives eliminating their own states to whittle down to a victory for Trump. That would take more than Comey and Jordan and MTG.

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