Tuesday, September 24, 2024

When FoxNews Is More Honest Than CNN

"That was quite a speech, almost an hour and a half," Roberts said. "I was following along with the prepared text, and I think the speech was three times as long as the prepared text because he kept ad-libbing and deviating so much." 
Conway admitted Trump "did go off topic a little bit," but she insisted he outlined "very specific plans for the economy." 
"I think the topic is the American economy, jobs, opportunity, prosperity, but it got very granular," she argued. "And it's a challenge to Kamala Harris to stop talking in generics and be more granular." 
Williams, however, said he wanted to hear more specifics from Trump. "You know, Kellyanne said he got granular," Williams observed. "I'm still waiting for the grain here, the granular pieces, because, to me, this was a speech in which he's trying to set out a new policy, I guess." 
"But all I heard from him was attacks on Harris, comrade Kamala," he continued. "For an hour and a half, Kamala is a communist." 
"Come on, Juan!" Conway interrupted. "You have the text in front of you. Don't say that." 
"It was pretty much just an ad hominem personal attack," Williams replied. "And, you know, it made for like a rally-like atmosphere." 
"But the reality is, you know, even as he attacks Harris, he ignores the fact the U.S. economy right now is growing even after COVID," he added. "It's the best on the globe. Manufacturing fell to its lowest under Trump." 
Conway tried to convince the audience that Trump had stayed on topic. 
"I just can't sit here and abide these lies," she complained. 
"It's not a lie," Williams stated. "It's the absolute truth." 
"Well, you sat there with five pages of his speech," Conway argued. 
"And it didn't produce!" Williams exclaimed. 
Even Roberts admitted that Trump's prepared remarks were only "one-fifth of the total content." 
"Well, at least he speaks," Conway grumbled.
Clearly not objective journalism. Not one word about the horse race. 🏇 

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