Monday, September 02, 2024

What Matters Now

This is extremely stupid reporting; but it's not going to alter the course of the election this year.  Trump is now trying to blame this controversy on Harris and accuses her of involving the Gold Star Families he invoked when he accepted their invitation to ANC.  In other words, he's still trying to make it about Harris not showing up.  La Civita invented "swiftboating," and he continues to go back to that dried up well.  It didn't work against Walz (whom they are still trying to blame for "stolen valor"): ... and it isn't working now.  Nobody's voting on what Trump did in the ANC, although more than a few people probably should (but if what Trump did there surprises you, I'm surprised at you.) I agree with Ted Lieu. But nobody is changing their vote now because Trump is stupid. That truth is pretty much baked in, by now. I mean, granted, the press is inexcusable: "Oops, I did it again!" (How does one "accidentally" quote Hitler? And how is that an excuse?)

Trump is his own worst enemy: 

But forget the myth of the "low information voter." People who don't know now, don't care. Getting the peope who do care: For context, that's on Aggie Field in College Station, Texas. One of the "reddest" areas of Texas. You'd think. If you can get that young woman, and others of like mind to her, to vote in November, you might actually turn Texas "blue." The obstacle in Texas is, and always has been, turnout. A lot of people in Texas despise Ted Cruz. Get them to actually vote, and things might change. If they don't turnout, nothing on Twitter or the WaPo editorial page matters worth a bean.

And that's actually my point:  Harris has a ground game, volunteers, multiple offices in multiple states, and the money for the GOTV effort when each state starts voting.  That's where the difference is.  Trump has Vance pleading with Thiel for money because Trump has lawyers to pay, and he's doing venues in Bumfuck, Egypt and sundown towns because he knows where his supporters are, and those venues are cheap (or don't mind getting stiffed).
  Project 2025 is what matters. That's wha'ts working against Trump. On the other side, what Kamala is talking about, is working. Despite what WaPo or the NYT report: Of course, that's a quadrennial perennial in political reporting. Every four years at least one candidate (usually the Democrat) is not offering enough "policy" to satisfy the editorial boards of newspapers that people in general just don't give a rat's ass about. The fact is, people do vote on "vibes." Johnson's "Daisy Ad" wasn't policy laden; it was a scare tactic at a time when people had been afraid of nuclear war for almost two decades (ah, yes, I remember it well). Nixon had a "secret plan to end the war." Reagan promised "Morning in America." These were norms, not aberrations. Harris is campaigning on "A New Way Forward." Ya gotta admit it beats hell outta "American Carnage."

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