There are some who say “your life won’t change much when trump is President” and I get why they’re saying that in the sense that I’m well off and a citizen who was born here to parents who aren’t gonna be deported either, but all else aside fuck yourself, I have a consciencePlease dust your conscience off your sleeve. Or leave it there for the daws to peck at. Either way, it does those you claim to be concerned about no good at all.
What did you do to prevent Trump winning the election? Will it be as effective as what you will do to protect those you now profess to be so concerned about? Concern is all well and good, but what does your oh-so-public concern do for those you profess will be hurt ? And what does it do for you?
Do your BlueSky pronouncements protect them? Your concerns? Your defiance? Or will all of that and $5 buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks?
Here’s where I remind you this was a democratic election and the people, damn their eyes, have made their choice. And that most of them won’t feel the effect of Trump’s actions or inactions. They’ll feel what they’re told to feel, more like; what they wish to feel. They already feel better about the economy, because they’ve been told the last guy was the problem. When Trump wrecks it, and wreck it he will, they will be quick to blame him, and slow again to note the recovery, unless they are told to appreciate what is actually happening, and not just expected to on their own.
But they won’t notice that other people are finally better off; nor will they care. Their own government-in-waiting is already telling them to be suspicious of military personnel who go overseas where they will encounter “dangerous” ideas (the kind we must protect our children from in schools!). That’s the government they just voted for. And you think your journalism and your social media posts and your concern are going to save us from that?
Grow up. The sooner you figure out it’s not all about you, the better off you’ll be. My life won’t change much with Trump as President. I’m not poor, I’m not an immigrant, and I’m a white male. But how concerned I am, in public or private, won’t change things, either. If I find some people to help, and I help them, that will be as much as I can do.
And better than bragging about my virtuous concern on the intertoobs.
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” Solzhenitsyn
Though this is better, still:
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