Sunday, November 19, 2023


 I still don’t understand:

The hottest one making the rounds claims that someone in a MAGA hat is flashing a police badge inside the Capitol. This feeds the conspiracy that J6 was orchestrated by FBI agents dressed as Trump supporters, advanced by several Members of Congress. Just this past week, Rep. Clay Higgins claimed that busses of FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters came in "ghost busses."
...why an undercover cop would flash his badge for the camera; or for anyone in the hall to see; or just walk around with it in his hand.

He didn’t, of course, because the man in the picture is a convicted felon now serving time for what he’s doing in that picture: carrying items he stole from Nancy Pelosi’s office.  I’m guessing this video came from that case, not from the “secret stash” the Speaker is supposed to release. (He hasn’t released very much so far.)

So we know who this guy is; we know what he was carrying (a”vaping device,” not a badge), and we know what he did. Because, again, he’s in jail for, in part, what this tape shows him doing.

Unless it’s a really, really deep state fake and he’s in jail to give his undercover story credibility, a la DiCaprio in “The Departed”.  πŸ™„

This conspiracy theory has been going on for two years without evidence to support it. They’re getting desperate for some.

ADDENDUM: This "incident" on la Webs proves that if you think Twitter in any form is the tail wagging the national dog, you are chasing the wrong animal's tail.  Akin to Joe Manchin announcing this a.m. (I'm reliably told) that he'll consider running for President on an "independent" ticket.  Sure, Joe; alongside Bobby, Jr. and...who is that other guy again?  Jr.'s got more name recognition than Joe, and while No Labels thinks they can make somebody, anybody, a spoiler, I remember the days of Perot.  Who bought his way onto the ballot in several (not all) states, got name recognition from being a "character," and still didn't do anything but screw things up for Bush.  Who'd screwed things up enough on his own.

Joe Manchin is no Ross Perot; and Biden is not Bill Clinton fresh outta Arkansas.  Manchin is just going to cap a sad ending to a long political career.

And MAGA Twitter getting upsete about a video that Johnson didn't even release, is a very small flea on the ass of a very big horse.

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