Sunday, November 12, 2023

Trump On Veteran's Day

He seems nice:

You can see why I didn’t post this yesterday.
 The man lives in an alternate fantasy universe. We shrug and are numb to it. Nobody questions Republicans about the Gatling Gun of lies and delusion this deranged man spews out hourly.

They wouldn't answer if we did.  His lies are his lies, and the GOP is trapped by his base.  This is the party they created, starting with Gingrich if not earlier.  They have no one to blame but themselves.

Happy Veteran's Day from Donald Trump:

Trump in New Hampshire claims that before he was president, VA officials could legally murder veterans and not get fired
He has an odd obsession with supposedly legalized murder.

Trump: President Xi is like Central Casting. There’s nobody in Hollywood who can play the role of President Xi. The look, the strength, the voice

While gushing over OrbΓ‘n, Trump once again gets confused and claims that Obama is the current president

"General Milley is the one who decided to take the soldiers out first," he added. "General Milley is the one that said let's leave $85 billion worth of equipment behind because it's cheaper than taking it out. It's cheaper than putting a tank of nice, clean fuel in the airplane and flying it to Pakistan or flying it all the way home. It's cheaper to leave it there."

He claimed 700,000 rifles, 70,000 vehicles, and more were left behind after war.

One wonders how he knows that.

 He also said:

Trump promises to build an Israel-style missile defense shield
A) That “Israeli system” is already made in America.

B) Are we anticipating war with Mexico? Or Canada?Because otherwise we’re talking about “Star Wars” again, and Reagan already buried that failure.

And if that’s not enough:
While gushing over OrbΓ‘n, Trump once again gets confused and claims that Obama is the current president
Remember, Biden is old. Trump, however, is simply clueless:
Trump tells a crowd of supporters in New Hampshire that he has been indicted in his civil fraud trial in New York

But there's no doubt Trump knows about losing money:

Putting it bluntly, Craig said the president's businesses for the most part "don't make money" save for a few successes in the former president's real estate portfolio.

Craig said: "His business don't make money and he's having to shore them up."

That means he's been forced to buttress the properties that have been taking dives with other means of income.

"Any of those that has made money — there's a few that are successful — that money and also the money that he made from 'The Apprentice,' and also the money he inherited from Fred [his father] a long time ago... it's been used to shore up these money-losing investments he makes."

She then added, "He buys these for the most part they are white elephants." 

But the NYT stepped in to save him:

Adam Kinzinger deserves the last word:
Meh. He’s going to jail. 
American veterans deserve a not insane leader.

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