Friday, December 11, 2020

The Death Of Cable Cannot Come Soon Enough

Actually, the amusing part is Sidney Powell insisting all ballots must be paper with “real ID.” Perhaps she means the “real ID” soon to be required of us all. Anyway, she’s declaring war on mail ballots. It’s an absurdity based on the idea a photograph is a more reliable indicia of identity than a signature.

Tell me, which one has been relied on more in Western history, culture, and law as a reliable indicator of identity and responsibility: the signature, or the photograph?

And yet we’re still here.

Dobbs? He’s a ranting old man who doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. But it’s a near thing which one of them is more detached from reality.

1 comment:

  1. That degenerate used to be on CNN five nights a week spouting anti-Latino racism as he, himself, employed non-documented Latino workers. Hasn't hurt his career as a jurno, has it. This won't die until there is a legal mechanism to punish corporations for generating and sponsoring lies in the mass media. And democracy can't survive without that no matter what the First Amendement says.
