Except....smdh at all the tyrannophobes complaining about “firmly ordering” private enterprise to the “common good” pic.twitter.com/QUtItQd3L4
— Christian Vanderbrouk (@UrbanAchievr) April 26, 2021
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, except when that enemy is an idiot. Rubio isn’t even fulminating here; he’s just ramming together as many buzzwords as will fit in the space allotted. Corporations are supposed to function for the common good (that’s what they are incorporated under law), but we gave up that legal fiction as soon as corporations became major sources of capital.Not a clue. https://t.co/y6q2lQDOd1
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) April 26, 2021
This is gibberish because they aren’t supporting your party’s latest nonsense. The only “common good” Rubio recognizes is that which serves him.
And as long as we're discussing stupid takes on American history:“When we said corporations had free speech rights we didn’t mean like this!”
— Jane Coaston (@janecoaston) April 26, 2021
I'm involved in a discussion on NextDoor (God help me) about local school board elections (this is Texas; I’m surprised “Dog Catcher” isn’t an elected office) that has degenerated into fear mongering about “Critical Race Theory” (which no one understands but everyone has an opinion about). My daughter know more about American history (and the lessons the Native Americans taught Ben Franklin (and others) about governance) than Santorum does. Then again, it’s not hard to know more than Santorum does, starting from the deficit hehas.CNN's Rick Santorum: "We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here. I mean, yes we have Native Americans but candidly there isn't much Native American culture in American culture" pic.twitter.com/EMxOEYDbg7
— Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) April 26, 2021
The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 11421, is the oldest living participatory democracy on earth. In 1988, the U.S. Senate paid tribute with a resolution3 that said, "The confederation of the original 13 colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy, as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the constitution itself."
Santorum really should know a little more about Hiawatha than what he learned from Longfellow and cartoons.
There’s also the simple fact they taught the Europeans how to cultivate corn. Oh, and smoke fish and meats, to preserve them. There’s actually quite a bit more of Native American culture in America than Santorum realizes. Then again, as I say, twice nothing is still nothing. It really doesn't do much to double Santorum's store of knowledge.
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