Sunday, April 18, 2021

Jackson's Utopia*

Behold the democratization of public discourse as wrought by the series of toobs! That one needs a bit more context, but it's a subject I understand. So: context. Popehat is a lawyer who actually understands First Amendment jurisprudence the way the courts do (the only venue that actually matters in legal discussions. Law has a convenient boundary like that which most subjects I'm conversant in have a harder time establishing, as in the above, with statements of "criterion" (not a legal term of art) which no competent lawyer would recognize as a valid legal analysis. Perhaps it's better to say the law is more cut-and-dried in who determines what it means, and who doesn't. But I digress....) 

The simple answer here is that shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater has never been an exception to speech protected by the First Amendment, even in the opinion which came up with the phrase everyone remembers; and the opinion expressed in that opinion was expressly overruled by the Court in a later case. So, in the vernacular as popularized by Charles Dickens, as a matter of law that statement is as dead as a doornail.

Except it's a zombie statement that cannot die, and is resurrected constantly by people who know nothing about the law.  What they don't get is how using it establishes their lack of knowledge. 

More and more I think of the internet not as a rising water that lifts all boats equally, but a draining lake leaking out through the broken dam, revealing all the trash and junk once hidden by the peaceful waters now gone.

*Andrew Jackson, the real nowhere man.

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