Friday, July 16, 2021

A Thought Experiment

Or we could keep the country intact, and get rid of you.

Much easier.  On everybody.

I understand Mexico is nice....

(Yeah, I know I'm supposed to be upset with people "openly" talking this way; but I grew up with people openly talking this way.  I think my solution is better than handwringing about them.)


  1. There was a "movement" in Northern Maine in the 1990s or so to secede from Southern Maine - they wanted to keep the "Maine" label, it was fashionable then - I said, Ok, they have to pay their share of the state's debt if they do this. Something of a show stopper, probably.

    I saw in one of the comments that all of those FOX-holes live in New York City and would never consider moving to any of the places they encourage to think about splitting off. If they did, I'd say deport those jerks first. Northern Maine, too. The pe

    1. The . . . people who wanted to leave it, that is.

  2. There was one in Texas about the same time. Down here it’s perennial nonsense, supported by the myth Texas can secede whenever it wants to (though somehow we couldn’t in the 1860’s). This group called themselves “Just Us.” They imagined they spoke for a silent majority waiting for the call (they always do). Turned out their name was more accurate than they thought.

    Such stupidity is as American as cherry pie.
