Saturday, December 11, 2021

Or You Could Get Vaccinated

Wear a mask, and then gargle all you want.

By the way, if the other guy’s not gargling, what good does it do you?

Get the shot. Wear the mask. 😷 


  1. It's hard to say who is the stupidest Republican in the Senate but he's definitely one of the stupidest. I always remember the guy who tried to get me to go to the U of Wisconsin at Madison telling me it was the "Berkeley of the Mid-west." That and the Progressive Magazine coming from there as well as the Freedom From Religion Foundation, all of it, somehow, seems of a piece with the state sending Ron Johnson to the Senate.

  2. Since the coronavirus lives in your nose and lungs, sure why not turn yourself upside-down and pour mouthwash down your nose and sinuses and stop when it gets to your lungs? That ought to fix it just fine. Easier than getting the vaccine apparently. Some folks slept through all their biology classes.
