Saturday, April 23, 2022

Bill Maher Is Neither A Political Guru, Nor Original

I don't really care about what Maher is saying.  If I could, I'd have posted a screengrab of that, rather than the commentary.  It's the logo I'm interested in:  "We gotta make the world safe from democracy."  It's a variation not on Wilson's original statement (though Maher undoubtedly thinks it is), but on Walt Kelly's:  "We gotta make democracy safe for the world!"

Kelly said it in the '50's.  In the midst of the McCarthy Era.  Granted, he was a little less pessimistic.  But I think he was a little more realistic, too.

"The Skin Of Our Teeth," by Thornton Wilder.  Maybe that play needs to be assigned reading for all 350 million Americans.  We're sure not gonna blah-blah and out-Cassandra the other blabbers our way out of this mess.  

Maybe education will do it.  Which, come to think of it, is why so many people are anti-education right now.

It's still the same old story, a fight for love and glory.  And power.  It's always been about power.  The shock among the pundit class that America was all about one for all and all for one until just recently, is the really silly and ahistorical part of all this.  Some white people are still shocked that Donald Trump won the office of President in the first place.    Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock weren't.

We still need to relearn our history, before we can proceed. Odds are we won't, and we'll proceed anyway. And be shocked, again, to find out this is not our beautiful house, and this is not our beautiful wife.

Same as it ever was.

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