Thursday, April 07, 2022

"Paranoia Strikes Deep"

Indeed, we have never seen its like before:

The reference there is to Barry Goldwater, who ended up running against LBJ because of the events on the day this photo was taken, in Dallas, 1963.  Some say there our troubles began; not with Kennedy's assassination, but with Goldwater's nomination; and loss.  Many took it was well as Trump and his supporters did.

All of the following photos are from Dallas, November 22, 1963.  Your humble correspondent was 8 at the time, and remembers it fairly well.  No slight on him, but Rick was a day old that day.

"Sleepy Joe" suddenly looks tame.

The sentiment is only slightly more subtly expressed today.

"It is happening here"?  When has it not been happening here?

Paranoia strikes deep.  Maybe we could use a different approach this time?  Something a bit more rational?

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