Sunday, April 10, 2022

“Whole Sight; Or All The Rest Is Devastation”

This sounds absolutely right to me. I won’t post the whole thread; I trust you can read it on Twitter. The thesis is here: The past is never over, because it is never past. The national historical sin of America is living as if headlines alone matter, and so the next “major” event wipes out the prior one. Remember when Obama’s election meant racism was over in America? A lot of serious people believed that for a news cycle or two, which makes it almost bedrock truth in America. The Roberts court believes it, and is still acting accordingly.

The culture of superiority is virtually ineradicable. It is a source of identity, and to question that is to question who we are. 

1 comment:

  1. The Roberts court is using that as an excuse to reimpose white supremacist rule. Roberts is, like Lewis Powell was, a genteel white supremacist, Alito and the rest just want oligarachic power and they know that fanning racism is the most reliable way to get that. I am cynical enough to suspect that Amy Coney Barrett's adoption of two Hatian children was a tactical move to give her some cover as she pursues white supremacy - I seen nothing in her record that disproves that. Clarence Thomas is simply one of the most evil and pathological members that that court has ever had, I can't even begin to speculate on what motivates him except that I suspect the grandfather who he mentions so often spoiled him rotten because he was a boy and taught him to disdain women in general. If he picked up his cynical kow towing to white supremacy as a means of self-advancement or if it has some deeper source, I don't know but that's been its effect. George H. W. Bush has to count as one of the most cynical of American presidents, between elevating Thomas to the Court and his political campaigning through war on Iraq, which his own ambassador started when she gave Saddam Hussein permission to invade Kuwait and then the installation of his son by the Supreme Court and Jeb's regime in Florida . . . If I keep going this is going to turn into a rant.

    We have a lot more in common with the Russian supremacists than we'd like to believe.
