Saturday, April 23, 2022

I Don't Understand Either

My son-in-law is a mechanical engineer, and he can't understand why people buy Teslas.  He thinks they're poorly made (and the record of them exploding into flames is not a good one.  I've never owner a car that was prone to combustion all on its own, but anyway....) and badly designed.

Maybe part of the design problem (and simultaneously answer to the question "Why are people buying these things?) is because of all the stupid gadgets in them that people think are actually magical (i.e., in the modern sense of the word "magic," an extension of our will over objects in the world.  You know, "technology.")

There was the car crash here in Houston where it was obvious the driver and his passenger had climbed into the back seat to show off the autopilot aspect of the car.  It crashed into a tree a few yards from his house, having built up enough momentum in that space to ram the tree and explode into flames.  It took hours just to put the fire out.

And then there's this idiot.....

I can't wait until Musk has turned Tesla production over to making robots. What could go wrong? (Hint:  they'll probably be powered by lithium batteries, just like the cars.  Sure, no problem, right? I'm sure their autopilots will work well, too.)

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