Sunday, March 19, 2023

I Say Again: This Is Not A Legal Defense

It's just crude ad hominem and a pack of lies. That's all it is. Period. End of story. Fin.

I know his lawyers think they have a defense, but at this point nobody even knows what the charges will be.
Informed speculation is that the witness being called tomorrow is Robert Costello. Costello is being called at the request of Trump's attorneys, to attack Cohen's testimony, presumably. Okay, take away "presumably." Take it away completely. But he's not the silver bullet Trump expects (Trump's desperation is downright palbable. I can feel it all the way across the Gulf.) In fact, I'm guessing Trump has this guy on speed-dial: You know, like some people need a "comfort animal."

Cohen will probably be called back to the grand jury by the prosecutor for rebuttal testimony. So Tuesday looks less and less likely as "D-Day."

Trump also wants to go to New York and make a spectacle of himself in front of reporters.  I've seen opinions from criminal lawyers that such displays will not sit well with judges who decide whether you get out on bond, and whether they make your release conditional on keeping your mouth shut.

I say again: Trump has never faced legal trouble like this before (Maggie Haberman intimated he'd been charged criminally before, but I'm unaware of it.  In any case, I think these charges are much more serious, and Trump's stunts won't be taken kindly after Jan. 6th.).  He's going to throw himself at that buzzsaw thinking it's his salvation in the court of public opinion.  But his supporters are thin on the ground, mighty though they be in the GOP primary system.

Trump has no idea what he's in for.  IMH and inexpert O.

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