Tuesday, March 07, 2023

When Evil Encounters Good, Expect Mockery

So I wasn't paying attention to this. It showed up as a long thread/colloguy between Musk and "Halli," somebody who seems to have been employed by Twitter and laid off? I didn't have the context (most of which is in the tweet above, which I just saw this morning), and didn't follow it closely. Mostly because at one point Halli asked Elmo if Halli could talk about certain matters without legal consequences, something I thought he needed a signed, notarized agreement to be protected for (at least). Elmo's reply was a curt "you're covered," or some such, which would never hold up in court (and Elmo knew it), and I thought this "Halli" doesn't know what he's doing.

How wrong I was.

Haraldur Porleifsson, known as Halli, has garnered multiple Person of the Year Awards from various Icelanidc media outlets, including from national broadcaster RUV, Morgunbladid, and Visir.

Halli, a 45 year-old designer, gained nation-wide recognition this year when, after the sale of his tech company Ueno to Twitter, he chose to be paid the sale price as wages. Normally in such large sales, the payment comes in the form of stock or other financial instruments, which categorize the sale as capital gains, meaning it is taxed at a much lower rate. Halli, however, gladly paid the higher tax rate, having spoken publicly on many occasions about the benefits he has received from the Icelandic social system. 

Halli was born with muscular dystrophy and came from a working class background. In statements about his decision to pay back into the Icelandic social system, he cited both healthcare and education in Iceland as keys to his success. Notably, he was one of the highest tax payers in the nation after the sale of Ueno. 

That's from the image in the tweet, in case you can't enlarge it/read it.  Basically, Halli is a very good person, at least on this score.  And Elmo is a shit (but you knew that). 

Here's how Halli handled that:
Yeah; Elmo is this guy:

You can't shame a fool. You can easily discern evil in how it responds to good.  Halli made a good faith effort to contact Elmo, stating in the twitter thread he started that he'd exhausted all avenues and getting Elmo to respond in tweets was his only recourse left.  Which tells you all you need to know about Elmo to begin with.

I understand Silicon Valley moguls are still looking to Elmo as a model for management of their companies and their employees.  Silicon Valley must be hell on earth.  Although if I was a young employment lawyer, I suspect I could get as rich as Elmo in a very short time.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when people thought the tech sector was all good, clean business. I remember when people thought it was all "Don't be evil." I remember when Steve Jobs died and the lefty internet went into mourning. I remember at Eschaton where they rent their garments and bemoaned Job's dying and not the evil Lord of Microsoft (I think it was Phila who said, "Yeah, because everyone knows trying to wipe out malaria is a less worthwhile thing than giving you your next shiny new toy.)
    Tech is just business as usual.
