Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Your Daily Reminder

That it's not the GJs that are "leaking." And anybody who wants to can play the Speculation Game.

But we don't know what the NYGJ is focussed on, or why they didn't meet today.  emptywheel's guess is as good as yours.  What we do know is because Trump & Co. keep running to the cameras to scream and wave their arms.  Costello did that: he complained the GJ didn't look at the "thousands of pages" of texts he brought in, as if it was a trial and he was putting on a defense.  The GJ doesn't decide if there's enough evidence to convict; just if there's enough evidence to indict.  Trump bellows that Costello ruined Cohen's testimony so Trump is NOT GUILTY! and cannot be indicted.

As if.

Trump has no idea what charges he's facing, which is why he's hiding under the covers and screaming that if you can't see him, you can't arrest him.  But the rest of us don't know, either.  Even Trump's arrest date has come and gone, and it looks like it won't happen this week (barring an unusual change in the GJ schedule).  Those jurors have other jobs, though, and aren't sitting through a trial and being sequestered for the duration.  Even the barricades that went up in Manhattan were because of possible demonstrations, not a "leak" of "inside information."

The Grand Jury's gonna do what it's gonna do when it's gonna do it.  And we will know what the charges are when the indictment(s), if it (they) are even delivered, are released.  Until then, it's a black box, and no one knows the day nor the hour, no, not even the angels in heaven.  Well, maybe them; but they're a pretty tight-lipped bunch, too.

Relax.  You won't miss it when it comes.

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