Wednesday, April 17, 2024

“Whaddya Got?”

The Civil Rights Movement was organized and purposeful, and at least got the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act passed. We are, nearly 69 years later, reaching the nadir of the reactionary forces against those changes, but that just proves you can never declare “Mission Accomplished.”

The anti-war movement was never quite as organized or purposeful, occurring as it did on only a handful of campuses, carried out by college students who were exempt from the draft and war they were protesting. The war finally ended because public opinion turned against it, which may have been because of the protests, but was also because it dragged on so long we all lost the point. Then again, no one dares suggest reviving the draft, that carryover from WWII that we shot full of holes so middle class and above white boys would be safe.

Looking at this video I see more photographers than protesters, and can’t tell what they’re protesting (“Whaddya got?”). Burning the flag doesn’t really bother me, frankly. I’m a child of the Sixties and never much inclined to admire idols and symbols, anyway. You wanna drop a cross in a jar of piss, it’s fine with me. I don’t worship that cross, and I don’t have to put that jar in my house.

But you know, back in my day, protesting used to mean something. πŸ‘΄πŸ»

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