Tuesday, July 30, 2024

“Family Is Good”

"Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine," he said. "You won’t have to vote anymore. In four years, you won’t have to vote again.” 
The comment raised alarms that Trump was hinting he would refuse to leave office, or cancel elections.
In an interview with Fox News' Laura Ingraham on Monday, Trump tried to clarify his words a bit, and walk back any possible implication of that. 
You won't have to vote in four years, he said, "because the country will be fixed, and frankly, we won't even need your vote anymore." 
"I thought everybody understood it," Trump added.
I can still read Trump’s statement as stupid, not threatening (mostly because I don’t confuse Trump the schoolyard bully with Iago the scheming deceiver). His statement is he will “fix ut” so tall problems are solved, forever and a day. It’s of a piece with flu’s claims of his greatness and success and how everything was fine until Biden took over. Only this time all shall be well into perpetuity, because Trump is that good.

But call it a threat to democracy, if you like. I just don’t think you have to.

Because the question is: why can’t Trump clarify his statement? 

He doesn’t even try to explain himself. Because he can’t? Because he knows he overstepped (unlikely. Trump is never uncertain and never wrong). Because he’s incapable of coherent speech?

I think we have a winner.

Now this is not a campaign issue. By which I mean, you can’t make an ad about this. But now we know why Trump doesn’t want to debate.
Trump told host Laura Ingraham he would like to debate, but noted "everybody knows who I am. And now people know who she is." 
"She's a radical-left lunatic. She'll destroy our country. She wants open borders," said Trump. 
Ingraham interjected, "Then why don't you debate her?" 
"Well wait," he replied. "Because they already know everything."
In his heart of hearts, he’s scared shitless. Or he’s a complete boob:
We’re effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via, via our corporate oligarchs by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made,” Vance said in 2021. “And so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. And it’s just a basic fact… Kamala Harris. Pete Buttigieg. AOC. The entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children. And how does it make any sense that we’ve turned our country over to people who don’t really have a direct stake in it?” 
Ingraham asked Trump, "what can you say to our viewers tonight to reassure them that this was an excellent pick?" 
"Well, first of all," Trump replied, "he's got tremendous support, and he really does, among a certain group of people, people that like families." 
CNN's Harry Enten last week reported, "JD Vance is making history as the least liked VP nominee (non-incumbent) since 1980 following his/her party's convention. He's the first to have a net negative favorable rating." 
Trump continued, claiming Vance "made a statement having to do with families. That doesn't mean that people that aren't a member of a big and beautiful family with 400 children around and everything else. It doesn't mean that a person doesn't have, he's not against anything, but he loves family, it's very important to him. He grew up in a very interesting family situation, and he feels family is good. And I don't think there's anything wrong in saying that now."
Says the man who doesn’t seem to have a direct stake in his family; only in who he’s having the next affair with.

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