Monday, July 29, 2024

The GOP Is Weird: The “Make It So!” Tour

Superintendent Walters has ordered all persons in Oklahoma to NOT tune into NBC until September. ‘Cause that French stuff ain’t okay in OK. (I agree with Moss, BTW. Trump is too stupid to be that smart. Then again, Vance didn’t really fuck a couch…) (But it doesn’t keep it from being a useful meme.) (See?) (I wondered what the "burnt monkey testicles" were about.) (Now I know more than I wanted to.) You can’t fix weird. Or wash it off. (Trust me on this. I won the heart of The Lovely Wife in spite of it. And 50 years later she still thinks I’m weird. She’s not wrong.) Neither is being weird. Except when it is. Too little (credibility), too late (for plausibility), Vivek. Totally not weird at all. Also not weird. 🍿🥤

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