Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reality Is Cruel

JMM gets a lot of mileage this morning  out of this “analysis.” But the simple fact is, this is pure MAGA reasoning: deny reality, reject what is actually happening, and declare all news to the contrary as fake.
"The Kamala Harris coalition is hosting 2300 events to motivate voters in key swing states, the campaign has more than 250 battleground offices to organize in the months ahead. And since Sunday, 170,000 new volunteers — these numbers are insane — have joined the campaign effort," she reported.
Can’t be true, though, because Democrats aren’t doing anything to win. Must be fake news.

I will continue to insist, all punditry to the contrary, that Donald Trump is a lousy politician and campaigner. Hillary Clinton was many good things, but politician/campaigner she wasn’t. Her husband would have wiped the floor with Trump. Kamala is all but certain to. And MAGA will go to its political grave denying reality.

1 comment:

  1. “Ground game! Raise money! Photo Ops! Endorsements! Shut up and be loyal!”

    Like, that's...precisely what you do to win. Even the snarky "be loyal" part.
