Wednesday, July 31, 2024

“Context Is All.”*

"Last month I pieced together the bonkers story of how Trump ousted Ronna McDaniel as chair of the Republican National Committee at the urging of Turning Point CEO Charlie Kirk, because she was resisting Kirk's proposal to run point on GOTV," writes Scher. "Some Republicans suggested Turning Point's plan to raise $108 million for his group to boost voter turnout in three states smelled like a 'grift,' yet Trump gave it the green light."
What’s wrong with that? Aside from the fact Charlie Kirk is an idiot?
The Turning Point strategy is premised on the notion that many 'low propensity' voters are disengaged Christians," writes Scher. "Trump echoed this belief in his remarks. Before he said 'you won't have to vote anymore,' he said, 'Christians have to vote, you know. I don't want to scold you. But do you know that Christians do not vote proportionately. They don't vote like they should. They're not big voters."

”Trump echoed this belief in his remarks.” That’s the part the video clips left out, though Trump repeated it to Laura Ingraham:

"Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote! And I explained this to them.”

The blind leading the blind. The people he was speaking to already turn out to vote for him. Unless he can get them to vote twice, he’s wasting a lot of money and effort. Which, of course, is fine by me. It also underscores my thesis that Trump is terrible at politics.

Of course, Trump also takes legal advice from this guy:
(The first question to Fitton is: “Please identify the criminal statute you allege was violated.”) So what can you expect?

I still say we treat Trump more seriously, and as more knowledgeable and rational, than the facts allow.

*And how many times have I had to make use of that quote?

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