Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Donald Trump Is Not A Politician

He's trying to get votes," McCaskill explained of Trump's campaign. 
The ex-president has tried to make inroads with Black men, thinking that they can pull away some voters of color supporting President Joe Biden. The New York Post claimed that Trump's plan was successful, but that was before Harris. 
"What I'm trying to figure out is what votes did he think he was going to get, add to his MAGA base by doing what he did today?" McCaskill asked. "I can't imagine that he is so dumb that he thought he would add any Black votes by talking about Black jobs and saying what he said about the vice president." 
Some analysts have claimed Trump was trying to appeal to his far-right base with racially charged language and attacks. McCaskill said his base is already well aware of Trump's views. 
"They know he's one of many of them, agree with him about his less-than view of people that don't look like them," she said. "So, then the question: Is he trying to get us to talk about it? Is he so freaked out that he has not been dominating the airwaves for the last week that he was wanting to be so outrageous that we would sit here and talk about him today?" 
She questioned if Trump was "really dumb," not knowing that he couldn't get any more MAGA votes than he already had. 
"It certainly doesn't get him any of the votes he doesn't have. It certainly doesn't get him any Black votes. Or he is just that sick? You know, is he just that sick?" said McCaskill.
No, he’s not trying to get votes. Yes, he thinks he is.

And he’s way beyond “sick.” But nowhere near “cunning” or clever, or tapping into “economic anxiety”.

He’s a racist, xenophobic, and emotionally stunted old man; a textbook narcissist in rapid cognitive decline who is going to end his days seeing everything he values stripped from him, including his liberty.

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