Saturday, July 13, 2024

All The News That Fits

The SS agents protecting Trump seem appropriate on the stage, but they also seem satisfied the shooter was down (and not a sniper) because they do expose Trump on the way to the car. 

Or so it seems to this layperson.

Still, would have taken a sharpshooter to hit that small target; and no more shots were heard. They must have had some confidence there wouldn’t be any more.
Glass fragments supposedly from a shattered teleprompter screen.

I watched that video ad nauseum on NBC, and Trump’s head was turned with his right ear away from the teleprompter screens in front of him. If those exploded from gunfire, they seemed perfectly whole as he was hustled from the stage. The fragments would also have to turn back on their trajectory to hit on the side turned almost 100 degrees from them. Seems much more likely the left ear would be wounded in this scenario.

Such is the problem with early reports. This one sounds seriously subject to change.

This, for example, sounds like absolute bullshit: He also says the SS blew the shooter’s head off. Which sounds like somebody who’s seen too many movies, instead of someone who actually witnessed carnage. Thecreal voice of reason: Trump has sown dragons’ teeth, and finally come near to reaping the whirlwind. Violence is as American as cherry pie, but you can’t exhort violence and then expect to be safe from it.

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