Wednesday, July 03, 2024


There’s been some (ignorant) discussion about LBJ withdrawing his candidacy in late March ‘68, hoping to avoid the blowback of Vietnam. It’s widely agreed he pretty much screwed HHH’s (his VP) chances in the general (they still had conventions in those days).

So there is precedent for the loose talk. It sucks.

There’s also the precedent of McGovern,  who stood behind his VP pick of Eagleton 1000%. Until the donors told him not to, and he switched to Shriver. Was McGovern going to lose anyway? Probably, but he started the race by shooting himself in the foot. The people telling Biden to quit want the whole party to do that.

Biden just played the McGovern card; against them. Forcing him out now is certain disaster. And it will be all on them.

Now hitch up yer britches and git back to it.

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