Friday, July 12, 2024

The Good Old Days

1968? The year some historians say the country was as near to civil war as anytime since the last one? The year we lost the Rev. Dr. King and RFK to political violence?  The year that all but guaranteed the War would last for 7 more years?

1964? Before the CRA was passed, and a year before the VRA was passed?

1963? The year Kennedy died, which arguably ushered in the political violence that would mark the decade and bleed into the’70’s?

1962, and the Cuban Missile Crisis?

1961, before civil rights marches and The Beatles?

Where were we in the 1960’s? Getting deeply involved in Vietnam. Becoming aware of the injustice of Jim Crow. Baby Boomers becoming aware of their adult responsibilities and the world they wanted to be more just and fair.

Somehow I don’t think that’s the 1960’s the representative wants to get back to. What’s best about our country now is because of the’60’s: civil rights and Medicare and education, to name a few. (The list is long.) Is that what he wants to get back to? So he can unravel it?

Or does he imagine if he could turn the clock back, he could also take Don Draper’s place?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure he means before the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, Title 9, etc. were the law of the land. Back when it was a straight, white man's world. The only part of that I have any nostalgia for is that sometimes what emerged from the smoke filled rooms were candidates who had some substance to them instead of show-biz false fronts. Now the NYT and Atlantic are as wowed by "reality TV" as the stupidest low-information, MAGAs are.
    I knew that 5000 word editorial was short-lived ass-covering for the NYT and its publisher. I have to say A.G. has accomplished something I would have thought impossible before, making me wish for the days when it was his daddy who was running that rag. And I already hated it even then.
