Monday, September 16, 2024

A Concept Of An Attempt

I'm trying to figure out what the charges will be. I know making verbal threats against a protected person (like Trump) could get you a visit from the Secret Service.  But that's investigatory, not necessarily in pursuit of an arrest.

This guy poked a gun through a fence (early reporting was he was on the golf course.  Later reporting is he was outside the fence of the golf course.)  Florida is an "open carry" state, so simply walking around within 500 yards of Trump with a gun is not a state crime, at least. (Federal law could definitely have other ideas.)  But still: it's Florida.
So there's that. Which isn't necessarily a counter-argument to bringing charges, but it's gonna be pretty weak tea. I mean, I saw an AUSA absolutely HAMMMER a felon for the crime of being stopped for a busted taillight and sent back to the Federal pen for having a shotgun in the passage tray (ask yer grandpa!).  That constituted "possession" of a firearm, a whole new violation.  So this guy could get hammered into oblivion.  I'm just not sure for what.  Poking a gun through a fence?  Carrying a gun within 500 feet of the GOP candidate?  Help me out here. As long as we're stretching the concept of "assassination attempt." Yeah, it sorta sounds like that. Except, of course, this was not a shooting. Still wondering how loosely that term can be used. And speaking of conspiracies: We the people get to protect Trump from his own stupidity.

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