Sunday, September 08, 2024

A Tree Fell At Midnight

And distinguishing Politico from FoxNews is a work that would beggar Talmudic scholars:
The hosts pointed to a statement on Penzeys website: "Going forward, we would still be glad to have you as customers, but we're done pretending the Republican Party's embrace of cruelty, racism, COVID lies, climate change denial, and threats to democracy are anything other than the risks they legitimately are."

Campos-Duffy suggested Harris' stage name could be "Mean Spice" because "Scary Spice is already taken."

"This is the strangest event," she continued. "I get it if she goes there, but then to talk about unity while she's at the meanest spice shop in America, Penzeys Spice."

Cain said Harris' call to end divineness at the spice shop showed her "inability to think improvisationally."

"By the way, this is how the left thinks, by the way," Hegseth opined. "Yes, we need to end divisiveness. And you know how we do that? Everyone needs to think like us."
Campos-Duffy claimed that she had personally learned that lesson while starring on The Real World, an MTV reality show.

"There is no tolerance unless you agree with them," she asserted.

Self-awareness is not a media strong suit. 

But it was after midnight or on-line, so a tree fell in the forest....

By the way, Trump really did:
Today is the feast day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. That's an icon of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico. Somebody on the campaign staff did that, to appeal to Latinos; you know, the "illegals" Trump rails about. This will fix that, right?  Her feast day, by the way, is December 12.  Too late to do Trump any good.

Her visions were about the injustice meted out on the poor and the natives of Mexico.  Her representation is that of a mestizo, a person of mixed race and low economic/social standing.  So the irony is especially fraught.

Yes, this is like wishing Jesus "Happy Birthday" in December.  Which, of course, would be met by Trump screaming "WE SAY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!'".  But again, too late to do him any good (he tried to resurrect the War on Christmas in July, but no one was buying).  Well, you know, Trump being Trump; no news value here.

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