Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Both Sides Now

Having watched a few "undecided voters" be interviewed now (it doesn't take many), I'm convinced these are people who see a chance to be on TeeVee, or just get mention in the NYT, who have no real interest in the election either way.  At worst they're lying about their interest, at best they complain Candidate A or Candidate B (or both) don't give them a "thrill up their leg" (Chris Matthews, whom no one misses). 

Meaning the likelihood of them voting at all is zip and none.  I don't mean every voter must be partisan as hell and zealous to get their hands on a ballot, but these "undecided" voters only represent the (unfortunately) vast majority of American voters who never darken the door of a polling place or ever in their lives will place a stamp on a mail-in ballot.  So they tell us less about the state of the elction than a poll of 900 people or another "model" from Nate Silver.
That's the only election analysis I'll ever offer. "Run through the tape." 

And fact-checking is completely fucking pointless:
The sky wasn't measurably less blue during Trump's administration, either. Too true to be good.

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