Friday, September 13, 2024

Days Of Future Passed

The dishonorable Alberto Gonzalez, along with Dick Cheney and silent Shrub, are the reason we have the GOP we have today.

"Enhanced interrogation techniques" and "extraordinary rendition" and "Abu Ghraib" and Gitmo as a detention center (still!  24 years later! without charges, or even trials!) are all the legacy of those three men.  Their endorsement of Harris because Trump scares the constitutional shit out of them is still hollow to me.  They laid the groundwork for this, as surely as they undermined the rule of law themselves and profaned the Constitution.  

I'll even say I'm a bit less impressed with Judge Luttig's opinion of what his God wants from him when it comes to politics and who is POTUS.  Give Caesar what is Caesar's, and God what is God's.  The legacy of the Bush Administration is not God's; but it is the progenitor of Donald Trump and MAGA.

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