Saturday, September 07, 2024

Fight The Future

In a Trump Administration redux, where the President thinks "trillions of dollars" is an unimaginable and unspendable sum (did he ever look at a budget proposal?), this image inspires me with confidence that he would fill the Administration with competent people aware and understanding of how government actually works. 

You know, a guy who's cars burst into unquenchable flames, who promised fully autonomous cars until he didn't, and whose rockets explode on the launch pad. Things government learned to do 70 years ago, Elmo still can't replicate on a reliable basis.

Yeah, "efficiency" is exactly what I associate with guys in "Terminator" glasses and leather jackets.

And until AI means "computers acting autonomously," it's still a crude tool in crude hands.  I don't see the threat to the future anytime soon, except where it always lies: with us.  In our hands.

Probably why we fear the future.

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