Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Granted, The Competition For "Dumbest Person in American Politics" Is Fierce

Can they read through the envelopes (in Texas mail in ballots have two) to read the ballots? Or is this another of those conspiracy theories that doesn't depend on knowledge of the vote, just on "algorithms" and sheer ignorance. How was it, again, that the Democrats orchestrated Biden's nationwide victory, and didn't also orchestrate control of both Houses of Congress with clear majorities?

By the way, does Trump realize he'll have to file lawsuits in 50 states, and in localities where the evidnece identifies serious deficiencies in mail delivery (as well as evidence ballots were not delivered in accordance with local state law)?  He'll need to show such evidence just to show the count was invalid and would have shifted in his favor, which would require access to the undelivered ballots and permission to review their content.  Which might well take longer than the deadline set by Bush v Gore would allow.

He can't just say "I lost because!"  He lost 60+ lawsuits four years ago trying that "strategy."
Aux arms, les citoyens! Not exactly the call to the barricades Trump thinks it is; in large part because he proves Harris correct time and again.  This is all about him. If he loses, it was rigged.  If he wins, nothing else matters.  Except this time, if he wins, he's coming for all those people he was told he couldn't come for the first time around.  Which, you know, is a real GOTV effort, ain't it?

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