Thursday, September 12, 2024

I'm A Native Texan...

I don't know Mark Cuban, but I've been a yellow dog Democrat since LBJ in '64 (even though I wasn't old enough to vote in a Presidential election until Carter's first run). I don't expect Texas to "turn blue" this November, or anytime soon; but I live in hope. I will note that even FoxNews doesn't think Texas is deep red: It only shows up here as "Likely GOP," which may yet be a rude shock to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Probably won't be, but, as I say, we live in hope. I'm a native Texan. Living in hope is often all we have (floods; fires; hurricanes; tornadoes; drought; oil booms, oil busts; the first massive housing bubble that destroyed the savings and loan industry and the FSLIC; Ken Paxton; Greg Abbott). Ya gotta hope, or ya just give up.

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