Monday, September 16, 2024

"In Order To Save The Village, We Had To Destroy It"*

"Springfield, Ohio, is just the sort of beleaguered heartland manufacturing town that Donald Trump and J. D. Vance say the MAGA movement wants to help," Graham wrote Monday.

"Instead, the Republican ticket has chosen to make life miserable for the town and its residents for the sake of political gain."


"To lie for a political purpose — and then to admit to it — is to practice a politics so dishonest and so manipulative, it demonstrates pure contempt for the American public," Graham wrote.

"Ever since Vance started spotlighting the claims last week, and Trump repeated them during the presidential debate, life in the city has been severely disrupted."


"By nearly every local account, the influx of Haitians and other immigrants has been a godsend for the local economy," Graham wrote. "New manufacturers have arrived, offering good-paying jobs."


"The former president says he will kick immigrants out of the country and revitalize manufacturing," Graham wrote. "But towns like Springfield show that immigration and revitalized manufacturing often travel hand in hand. Trump has no answer for that.

"It is as though the city of Springfield asked for a bandage, and the Trump campaign responded by spraying mace in its eyes and calling it first aid." 

But, but, but...immigration is working for Trump!  I mean, yeah, ya gotta break a few, eggs.  But, you know, just like in Vietnam, those people are stained with the presence of immigrants.  In order to get the immigrants out, there may be some collateral damage.  But that's the cost of freedom, right?  

At least a cost Trump and Vance won't pay.

*Just a reminder Trump remains mired in a time 60 years gone. 

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