Monday, September 09, 2024

It Is Good To Remember...

The same people who think undocumented immigrants are voting, also think such immigrants are driving up the price of housing.  Most of the undocumented I've seen stand in a park a few blocks from my house, hoping for day labor construction work.  How, exactly, are they driving up the price of housing, or using up the available stock?  Most of them are dirt poor and live in housing no American would touch with a club, much as they take the jobs no American would do with a gun to their head.

But those people are not going to be educated on reality, much less "see the light" and realize Trump is a lying bigoted xenophobe unfit to live among decent people.  So it's really not a "crucially important point." Any more than rebutting this racist nonsense is:
Just wanted to set the table. This time, it's Haitians in Ohio: Vance promoting it makes it official campaign information. So the House Judiciary GOP had to get in on the action: Why Trump carried the kitten into the pond is not explained. Then someone decided to make it "real": I will violate the rule of this post and point out none of that is real: Which prompted somebody to post in reply that she hadn't noted what country Allexis Ferrell was born in, despite the fact Ms. Ferrell got an SSN within two years of birth (now the standard. My daughter got her SSN shortly after birth, though I only got mine when I had to get my first job). But you get the point: information is overridden by either Russian bots, or just sheer dumb ignorance. I saw the same thing here: Of course, "regulations" like building, electrical, and plumbing codes, are state and local matters, not federal. The only regulation on housing I know of at the Federal level is who you can sell to/rent to (or more accurately, who you can't refuse to sell/rent to), which is likely what's on Trump's mind, if anything concrete is. Much more likely Trump just uses "regulation" as a scare word (much the way Justice Gorsuch is doing, promoting his new book this summer). Still, there are idiots (or bots?) in replies praising Trump for "doing something." Despite others pointing out Trump as POTUS couldn't do anything. At. All. I'm sure if we just point out that "crucially important point," they'd all come around.

The one upside to the "immigrants are eating our pets" nonsense, is we get to remember Leon is a white South African, and the acorn hasn't fallen far from that tree:
They're gonna work this one for a few days, to distract from anything else the GOP doesn't want you to think about: Pointing and laughing are the order of the day: Especially when they beclown themselves: It's worth pointing out that's a white cat; and all the people fuzzily in the background, are non-white. The Deep State got to the Springfield police.

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