Sunday, September 08, 2024

It's Always Something

Like this? Even though it's the same old "if I don't win, there was cheating" argument Trump has made since 2015 in the primaries, you'd think this kind of statement would be newsworthy. I expect, though, more coverage of this. Which may be happening. But how did the NYT report Trump's speech? Verbatim? Or as something that merely sounded "political"? The term started with Aaron Rupar (let Webster's take note!). It may yet spread to the editorial rooms of some of the major news outlets. Or, yeah, probably not. I don't really expect Republicans to buck Trump, so I give Kristen Welker credit for noticing what Trump said. The Lovely Wife is watching the Texans game; besides, this is relevant to the conversation here. Or they just ignore it altogether. Much easier that way. "Old news." "We expect this of Trump." "What else is new?"

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