Friday, September 06, 2024

Letting Trump Be Trump

Back them being beaten black and blue on J6, and then promising to pardon their assailants. Somebody's gonna have a bad Thanksgiving. The color of the sky on his planet is a beautiful shade of...not blue. Certainly not blue. Putrescent green, maybe; but not blue. This man has never bought anything in a store in New York except jewelry, which is always kept behind glass. Wait, you mean walls DON'T work?? Thanks, FOP! FOR NOTHING!! The traffic noise was louder. Please to be showing the bullet wound. Or the medical records explaining why there is no bullet wound. Nobody cares as much as you think. We all just think you're stupid. Does he have any idea what the act of voting not-by-mail is like? So all that time in the courtroom you were checking your eyelids for holes? We've seen the videos, dude. My grandmother hits better than you, and she's been dead for 33 years. He's never been to a public school in his life, either. Yeah, that takes Congress. No matter what you think the Supreme Court said, you can't do that. And just to prove there is somebody out there dumber than Trump:
"I barely even talked to Lauren. It's kind of crazy because I've known her a long time. When she said she was launching a company, she had investors ... In the podcast space, we just heard that Travis Kelce is getting a $100 million contract. So these numbers are, that's where they're at. People don't realize how the podcasting space is and the revenue that you generate from sponsorships and memberships. So it seemed kind of mundane. A lot of people think these numbers are huge."

Pool then said he really didn't need the money that he was paid by Tenet because other people had already made him similar offers, but that he agreed to do the deal with her because "it would be fun" and he knew her, Benny Johnson and Dave Rubin already: "The amount of money that we were offered for the show was around market value for offers we had already received."

Well, Clarence Thomas gets that kind of money from Harlan Crow, but, you know, he's a Supreme Court Justice.  Travis Kelce plays pro football; there is definitely a market set there, by other football players.  Who sets the market at $400,000 a month for you to make 4 YouTube videos a year?  I mean, Crow is buying a Supreme Court Justice; Kelce is playing for a professional team, with a lucrative TV contract and gate receipts.  Who the fuck were you generating $400,000 worth of value for?  And if you're that stupid, who cares that much about your opinion?  Because, obviously, you are that stupid. 

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